Skeleton foot clip art, Kay Blowes Podiatry, Podiatry clinic, podiatrist, foot specialist, foot clinic, Westbury, Warminster, Trowbridge

Kay Blowes Podiatry

For all your footcare needs in the clinic setting or your own home

If your foot hurts, don’t suffer, give Kay a call.


Lucy Ellis
Google Review
Highly skilled and knowledgeable podiatrist. My feet are in great condition due to Kay's work on them and her sound advice. I highly recommend Kay. Also there's the bonus of a great location and an excellent coffee shop 2 doors down.
your feet really do matter

Please contact Kay for your total foot care experience

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Clinic times: 8am – 8pm, Monday to Saturday

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Emergency appointments are always available.

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Home visits always available. Please call Jag to arrange these.

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Fees are available at the time of booking and we offer payment plan options.

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All major credit and debit cards accepted.

Kay also recommends the following practitioners:

Sports Massage/Reflexology

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contact us

Quote from Kay

“It is always a good idea to seek podiatric advice with any foot problems.”

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